Thursday, 21 July 2016

It's All Coming Back To Me......

Where do i start!? I guess hi there would be good. I wanted to blog to share my journey and daily struggles of an eating disorder. I have had an eating disorder since i was 12. I am now 21. Thats 9 years of my life wasted. People thing ED's are a way of attention seeking but i assure you, we are the complete opposite. For me, its not about the losing weight....its about my self control. I like to set myself challenges i know i will fail...sounds dramatic and morbid...but i am only being honest.
This is why i have started to write a blog. The main reason boyfriend of 9 months is currently having to put up with my erratic emotions and its not fair on him. This is my disease...not his. I need somewhere to vent and to have support. Trust me i want to recover but then i don't. I want help but the only way i know how to do it is to get to such a low weight, they will see that i need help.
So that's my plan. My plan is to get to a low weight so i can get proffesional help because i am sick and tired of this ED. I want to start a new life one day but i know that will never happen if my life carries on this way.
So my stats as from today are 5ft. 105.4lbs which gives me a BMI of 20.6. I need to get down to 17 for help at least.
If anyone needs help to i am here to talk.

1 comment:

  1. Hi and welcome :)

    I hope that this can be a safe space for you to share and let out your emotions. I know that it has helped me.

    If there's anything that I can help with, please feel free to come to me.

    Have a wonderful week!

    - A.
